Saturday, June 7, 2008

Packing, Slacking, Super Excited

I've spent the last 2 days trying to get things put together before I leave tomorrow. I imagine that if I was really motivated and worked at this like crazy, I could probably get it done in a few hours, but I've spent the time over the past 2 days buying food, of which I have nearly 15 pounds worth, figuring out where all my stuff is, and hauling it all into one location. 

I find it very ironic that when all my gear was laid out on the deck, including a down jacket, O degree sleeping bag, and heavy duty mountaineering boots, the mercury read over 90 degrees!!! Definitely an interesting last day at home! 

At the time of this writing, I weigh 177.5 pounds. I imagine I will loose some weight over the next few 6 weeks, but I certainly do not know how much. I do hope I am in good enough shape for this trip, but since I haven't done much of anything athletic over the past few months due to knee problems, finals, work and just being plain old busy, I'm unsure of how I will fare. 

We plan on getting to the airport at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning for my 7:40 flight. Weather looks like great. I am busting with excitement, and I doubt I will get much sleep tonight!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have a great trip Paul and come home safe and sound! Love, Dad, Mom, Kerry and Peter!!!